Welcome to SPAC and 2013.

Welcome to SPAC and 2013!

Hi all members, partners, children, friends, sponsors and network partners of the Southern Peninsula Angling Club.


Our first meeting for 2013 is next Monday night at 7:30pm SHARP at the Rye Yacht Club. We have lots of exciting news and are looking forward to many fun hot spots nights throughout 2013 and our Port Albert trip on the weekend of the 23rd – 24th of February 2013.

A big thanks to Peter & Lynda Gilbert for hosting the Pete’s camp hot spots in January which was another great night.

Rumour has it that another committee member is getting hitched?

It should be a great year for everyone involved with SPAC.

Don’t forget Monday night, see you there & FISH BEWARE

Matthew J Harrington.

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